Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Sample Issues Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

Sample Issues Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
   Economic issues is a common thing, but the example of micro-and macro-economic issues are not the same in handling. Before we discuss further, we should know first what a sense of understanding of microeconomics and macroeconomics.

   Meaning of microeconomics or micro economy is the smallest parts of the overall economic activity there. An example is a company, the market and private enterprise.

   Whereas the opposite is true, namely macroeconomic kagiatan national economy as a whole. In this case the character is thoroughly regardless of economic activities undertaken by small parts or individual economy.

   Examples of micro-economic issues such as the market price problem, the problem of certain commodities, and all things related to a small portion economy. Similarly, the example of the macroeconomic problems we can know, among others such as unemployment, economic crisis, employment is narrow, crisis currency exchange rates, foreign debt, poverty, etc..

   So had a little discussion about examples of micro and macro economic issues that may add to our knowledge about the economy.

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